No Guns For Abusers
The Supreme Court is poised to hear United States v. Rahimi, which will determine whether the Second Amendment prevents Congress from prohibiting people subject to domestic violence protective orders from having firearms.
Zackey Rahimi – the defendant in the criminal case – has a history of armed violence towards multiple girlfriends. Rahimi was under a domestic violence protective order that prohibited him from owning guns.
He then fired his gun in public on multiple occasions, including shooting at a government official’s car, at an accident scene, and at a fast-food restaurant. Rahimi was then arrested.
Rahimi was convicted of possessing a firearm while subject to a domestic violence protective order. He appealed his conviction to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which overturned his conviction, arguing that it violated the Second Amendment.
The Supreme Court will now weigh in. They will hear oral arguments in early November, with a decision expected in late spring or early summer.
Gun laws that protect survivors of domestic violence are among the most important public safety laws in the country.
More than 8 in 10 Americans agree: people who commit domestic abuse shouldn’t have guns.
The mere presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation makes it five times as likely that a woman will be killed. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children.
Keeping guns away from abusers is common-sense, life-saving, and constitutional.
A negative outcome in United States v. Rahimi would be extremely dangerous to public safety – especially for women and children, who are at greatest risk for domestic violence.
Guns in the hands of domestic violence abusers are deadly.
Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children. A woman is more likely to be murdered when her abuser has access to a gun. And Black and Indigenous women, young people, those with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community face disproportionately higher risk of domestic violence involving guns.
70 women in America are shot and killed by their domestic abuser in an average month.
Nearly 1 million women alive today have been shot or shot at by an intimate partner.
2/3 of mass shooters killed a family member or intimate partner, or had a history of domestic violence.
83% of Americans agree that domestic abusers should be banned from purchasing a gun – including 75% of Republican gun owners.
The Supreme Court must protect survivors of abuse and keep our children and communities safe.
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Tell Your Elected Officials This Matters.
Was your Member of Congress or Senators one of the 169 elected officials who filed an amicus brief to say domestic abusers shouldn’t have gun. Call or email to thank them. Were they not on that list? Ask them why!
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